Age: 26
Occupation: Content Production Manager
Instagram: @holzmorgan
On moving across the world on your own in your twenties...
Describe your big move to London
Moving to London is not for the faint hearted! I’ve loved the journey as I feel like I’ve changed so much since getting here. It feels like I’ve lived nine lives in just these short six months i’ve been here.
My day-to-day life is so blissful. I found a perfect little maisonette to live in East London about three months into my move, with my two adorable London friends. We are so perfectly situated to enjoy the Broadway markets on the weekend and the local pubs in evenings, I couldn’t have landed more on feet with my accommodation.
Job stuff was a lot harder than anticipated. I'm still tapping into networking and trying my very best to get in front of the right people whilst leaning on my social and marketing experience I luckily gained while in New Zealand. I haven’t perfected the working side of London, as it often feels like there is always someone better at the job, smarter than you, more creative - it can make you feel humbled and overwhelmed when you already have those feelings moving abroad. So stay tuned for part two of this when I’ve nailed my next career step!
How did you feel before the big move?
I was so excited, hopeful, nervous - all the normal feels. Except I didn't have much keeping me there - yeah I have my life long friends but they will always be there - same with my beautiful family who I miss dearly but this is my time to be adventurous and try new things and do something big in my 20’s.
How do you feel post the big move? What is one thing you would tell Holly pre the big move from Holly post the big move?
Stressed!! You always feel stressed, because you’re used to knowing where you live, your local routine, having a solid source of income. I found it hard to get settled, which I wish I didn’t worry so much about as it all works out in the end, but I’m only human so I stressed haha.
One thing I would tell Holly, is ‘Save more money!! Nothing you buy at home is ever going to be as good as making memories abroad and traveling the world! It’s the worst feeling when you have to say no to stuff in London because of money - there is so much here to see and do, so I wish I was harder on myself to save.
What is one thing you’re grateful for that you would never have had experienced had you not moved overseas?
Seeing the world for sure, I don’t think you ever understand the feeling of being able to jump on a plane or a train and go to another country and then be back home on the same day. It’s unfathomable from how planned out trips had to be when I lived in New Zealand.
On finding your people in a new city...
How have you built your community in London and how do you think you invited that into your life?
Building a community in a new city is such a unique experience! When I first moved to London I found spaces and experiences that aligned with my interests. Finding new cafe spots to get my bearings, going to events and pop-ups that are always happening here in London, you just never get bored! I am always being intentional with putting myself out there, and sometimes it's more often than not leads to some of the best and most unexpected moments.
In terms of finding "my people," I think it takes time. I've met wonderful people through work and creative circles, but I think I've really connected with people who share similar values and energy. I gravitate towards environments that make you feel good, and you invite it into your life by being open, staying curious, and not shying away from putting in effort—because friendships as an adult can take work!
Stepping outside of the big move...
What is your focus on right now?
Honestly, right now, my focus is creating a meaningful life. As a whole, you get very disrupted with the move so just focusing on doing all the little things to feel whole again. Creatively within work, I'm excited about the social media campaigns and brand partnerships I'm working on. Personally, I'm enjoying exploring London and feeling settled here, and continuing to build those strong relationships with new people that inspire me.
What do you envision for yourself in a years time?
In a year’s time, I hope to see myself in a place where I have deeper relationships with those around me. I also hope to be working on projects that are impactful, both in terms of cultural relevance and personal fulfilment. I’d love to have expanded my list of countries (obviously!) to visit, and hoping more of my loved ones get to come over to this side of the world to see the life I’ve made for myself.
Something you live by...
“Whatever you are seeking is already literally obsessed with you”
A lot of things don’t work out, and sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow. So, remembering if the push starts to feel all too much, it’s probably not meant for you, and what is meant for you, is waiting and utterly obsessed with you and that will all fall into place for you.
And last but not least, favourite Buttermilk Accessory?
For my favourite Buttermilk Accessory, this is sooo tricky it would have to be the Grace Bags or the OG claw clips in any of the fun collabs! Forever loving the Real Rad cherry clip.
Can never go wrong with anything Buttermilk, the quality is unmatched!
Snaps from Holly's latest trip to Palma de Mallorca x